コロナ(COVID-19)で外出自粛中のペット(犬)との散歩について|How to walk your dog during the state of emergency







  • お散歩中は人通りが多い場所には行かない。
  • 換気の悪いドッグカフェなどに行かない。
  • お友達と会った場合も、2m以上の距離を取って会話をする
  • 他の人にわんちゃんを触らせない。




How to walk your dog during the state of emergency

How to walk your dog during the state of emergency.

News about the coronavirus has been in the media recently.

People are scared to go outside even for dog walking. Currently, the Japanese Prime Minister has requested citizens to stay home and reduce interactions with people by 70-80%.

So, we need to refrain from any nonessential and nonurgent outings. However, it is necessary to maintain physical health in moderate exercise for both dogs and owners.

If you are in good health, it would be a good idea to go for a walk with your dog while maintaining safe practices to prevent further coronavirus infections. In saying this, there is no need to walk your dog if you are not feeling well.

Please keep in mind the following when you are walking:

-Please avoid busy areas such as shopping streets, and around stations. – Avoid places with poor ventilation.

-Practice social distancing if meeting friends or family.

-Ask others to refrain from touching your dog.

Also, giving your dog’s body and paws a thorough wipe-down before they enter the house would help lower the risk of contracting harmful viruses and bacteria. This is as there is a possibility that the coronavirus may attach onto the dog’s body.

The coronavirus is highly likely to be infected by contact. Please continue to wash your hands, use disinfectant, refrain from touching your face and follow recommended preventative guidelines. We appreciate you reading our message.


執筆:今村 真也 (Shinya Imamura)

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